2023-update-mapping-the-auckland-funding-ecosystem-for-nga-toi-culture-creativity-and-the-arts - Te Taumata Toi-a-Iwi

2023 Update: Mapping the Auckland Funding Ecosystem for Ngā Toi – Culture, Creativity and the Arts


This report provides an update on the 2021 and 2022 reports ‘Mapping the Auckland Funding Ecosystem for Ngā Toi – Culture, Creativity and the Arts’.

‘Ngā Toi’ is the term used to encompass culture, creativity and art; and to better reflect the way that art, creativity, language and cultural knowledge are understood as an integrated whole that isn’t always captured by the more Western framing of ‘art’.

The aim of the original research was to map the funding ecosystem for Ngā Toi in the Auckland region, to help build understanding about:

  • What outcomes are currently being sought and prioritised by investors in Ngā Toi
  • Funding issues/challenges that may require shared attention in order to address gaps within the investment ecosystem
  • Potential connections and areas of shared priority that may provide a platform for collaboration between funders and a more connected sector investment ecosystem.

The information in this report provides additional information of funding allocations for the financial year 2021/22. It provides an analysis of the investments provided by key funders of Ngā Toi and where possible a breakdown of investment into the Auckland region.

Analysis is prepared for each of the following funders:

  • Auckland Council
  • Creative New Zealand (CNZ)
  • Manatū Taonga Ministry for Culture & Heritage (MCH)
  • Foundation North/ Other funders of Ngā Toi operating in the Auckland region

It is important to note that some of the data is based on estimates from the participating organisation, and in some cases, so should be interpreted cautiously. Figure 1 on the following page details the funding levels reported by funders for the Auckland region for 2021/22.

Figure 1: Visual representation of funding for Nga Toi in the Auckland region (where breakdown of investment into the Auckland region was possible). 

Key funder:
Auckland Council

Auckland Council’s investment into Ngā Toi is provided via Council departments, Local Boards and Council Controlled Organisations (CCOs). Council describes its investments and activities in relation to “arts”, which it defines as “all forms of human creative skill, imagination and interpretive expression, and their various branches including performing arts, visual arts, screen and digital arts, literary arts, and cultural heritage collections”; and “culture”, which it defines as “the values, ideas, customs, attitudes, social behaviours and physical artefacts of a particular people or society, e.g., gaming culture”. These definitions are noted as excluding “sports and recreation, or built and natural heritage” (Auckland Council, 2015, Toi Whītiki Action Plan p.6). Data provided by Auckland Council about its investment includes funding for libraries.

Council’s investment into Ngā Toi is guided by Toi Whītiki1, the arts and culture strategic action plan, which was developed through research and public and sector consultation. Toi Whītiki was designed in alignment with the Council’s Auckland Plan 2015–2025, Local Board Plans and Māori Plan; and was adopted in 2015.

Toi Whitiki sets out a vision where arts are integrated into our everyday lives in a culturally rich and creative Auckland. This is underpinned by 6 goals:

  • All Aucklanders can access and participate in arts and culture.
  • Auckland values and invests in arts and culture.
  • A network of vibrant arts and culture organisations and facilities.
  • Arts and culture are intrinsic to Auckland's place making.
  • Auckland celebrates a unique cultural identity.
  • Auckland has a robust and flourishing creative economy.

Toi Whītiki identifies the role of the Auckland Council family as supporting arts and culture through:

  • Strategy and policy
  • Facilities (local and regional)
  • Programming and events
  • Investment and funding
  • Regulatory and operative frameworks
  • Facilitation
  • Advocacy.

Data provided by Auckland Council for this research enabled detailed analysis of their investment into Ngā Toi in the Auckland region, by department/CCO and by Toi Whītiki outcome area.

Data covers the financial year 2018/19, 2020/21 and 2021/22:

  • 2018/19 data represents investment trends during and following COVID-19 and includes approximately $184.7m of investment.
  • 2020/21 data represents investment trends during and following COVID-19 and includes approximately $175.7m of investment.
  • 2021/22 data highlights budgetary changes as a result of COVID-19 recovery and includes approximately $185.2m of investment.

The tables below provides a summary of Council and CCO investment which was comprised of:

$168.26m of capital and operational invested through:

  • Council teams and departments (which invest in arts, culture and events, public art, City Centre activation, community empowerment and library services)
  • Grants programmes (Regional Arts and Culture Grants Programmes, Local Board Grants)
  • Investment in major cultural institutions Auckland War Memorial Museum and Museum of Transport and Technology, with funding also distributed by the Auckland Regional Amenities Funding Board (to Auckland Theatre Company, NZ Opera, Auckland Arts Festival and the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra).

$16.3m of operational investment through CCOs:

  • Tātaki Auckland Unlimited (Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development (ATEED), Regional Facilities Auckland (RFA) merged on 1 December 2020)
  • Eke Panuku Development.

There are several caveats to note with Auckland Council’s data:

  • The information provided by some teams is an estimate only. This is because some of council’s programmes use arts and culture as a method of achieving positive community outcomes. These teams do not record the actual spend on arts and culture, but rather investment in community outcomes more generally.
  • The method of collecting data may have changed between 2020/21 and 2021/22. This is something that council will look to making more consistent in future.
  • The “Arts, Culture & Events” area has seen a decrease in spending between 2020/21 and 21/22 due to the significant lockdown period which reduced expenditure and required savings to be found.
  • In addition, some teams are likely to see regular fluctuations in expenditure from year to year. For example, the public art team’s expenditure is largely driven by parent project milestones being met, where lower expenditure does not necessarily reflect a reduction in work delivered.  In addition projects can span several years which can also impact a yearly reporting model.
  • While the overall council spend between 2020/21 and 2021/22 has increased slightly, it is worth noting the above caveats. This information should therefore be treated as an indication of council’s overall spend, rather than a complete picture.
  • Auckland Council is committed to collating, reporting and continuing to improve the veracity of this investment information to provide transparency about council’s investment and to help us to determine whether our spend is aligned with our strategic objectives.

Table 1: Auckland Council total investment

Auckland Council

Investment 2018/19

Investment  2020/21*

Investment  2021/22

Percentage change (20/21 to 21/22)

Total Investment




▲ 5.4%

*Excludes 2020/21 Tātaki Auckland Unlimited – Arts, Events and Entertainment ($18.6m) which was excluded in the revised figures.

Table 2: Auckland Council Arts, Culture and Heritage Funding

Council Unit/CCO

Investment focus / key activities

Investment 2018/19

Investment  2020/21

Investment  2021/22

Percentage change (20/21 to 21/22)

Arts, Culture & Events Division

  • Arts programming
  • Arts advisory through funded arts partners
  • Arts & Culture Facilities – Council investment in Lopdell House, To Oro, OMAC, Franklin Arts Centre, Hawkins Theatre, Mangere Arts Centre, Nathan Homestead, Studio One, Papakura Art Gallery and Fresh Gallery Otara
  • Maintenance of arts facilities
  • Mentoring to individual artists (8 Council staff)
  • 3 Local Board arts advisors


*figure includes staff and depreciation but excludes capex



*reduction attributed to significant period of lockdown which reduced expenditure and resulting cost savings requirements

▼ -32.3%

Public Art Team

  • Plans, commissions and delivers public art (temporary and permanent)
  • Public art collection maintenance and management
  • Provision of expert advice
  • Mana whenua engagement
  • Work with key infrastructure and urban development agencies to integrate art into large infrastructure projects


*figure excludes operational expenditure



*figure excludes operational expenditure

▲ 66.8%

City Centre Activation Programme

  • Enhancement of the city centre environs
  • Experiences and events
  • Artist development and capacity building, including future focus on support with COVID recovery
  • Support for mana whenua, mataawaka creative communities and artists from underrepresented communities


*figure includes investment in Ngā Toi only



Māori Outcomes – $540k
Queer outcomes – $75k

▲ 113.4%

Community Empowerment

  • Connect community leaders, groups and resources
  • Build community tools, skills and capabilities
    Support communities to design and run community events
  • Work alongside communities, young people and Local Boards
  • Provide specialist advice on how art could be integrated into placemaking and community development opportunities/plans
  • Regional Community Development Grants
  • Art that tells local stories (e.g. homelessness, dawn raids).


*figure includes combined funding as allocated via Local Boards’ Locally Driven Initiatives Budget


*figure includes combined funding as allocated via Local Boards’ Locally Driven Initiatives Budget


Community impact grants

▼ -49.2%

Youth Empowerment

  • Youth programmes with art and culture outcomes
  • Local Board youth council spend on arts and culture

Previously reported as ‘Community Empowerment Unit’



▼ -20%

Māori Arts and Culture Outcomes

  • Showcase Māori culture to the world
  • Develop cultural narratives
  • Identify sites of significance
  • Develop Marae
  • Support Māori artworks
  • Name local parks

Not previously reported


*Figure calculated from Auckland Council Group Māori Outcomes Report 2020-2021 and is a best estimate


*Figure calculated from Auckland Council Group Māori Outcomes Report 2020-2021 and is a best estimate

▲ 52.1%

Regional Arts and Culture Grants Programme

  • Contestable grants programme providing three types of grants to arts and culture organisations
  • Strategic Relationship Grants provide multi-year funding for key organisations to assist with their operating costs
  • Audience Development Grants support initiatives that offer audiences a wide range of arts and culture opportunities
  • Business Capacity Grants support artist capacity and business development
  • Provides funding advice and helps to build connections between artists and organisations


*figure includes $0.35m of grants previously committed as multi-year Strategic Relationship Grants



▲ 24.7%

Local Board Grants Programme

  • Local grants programme operated by 20 of 21 Local Boards in the region
  • Each Local Board sets its own grants policies within the parameters of the programme – which has six activity areas including arts and culture
  • Arts and culture advisors assess relevant applications to the programme and use Toi Whītiki to help inform their decisions
  • Council Arts Brokers act as specialist advisors to Local Boards. Brokers often provide funding advice when a Local Board is unable to fund an initiative


*figure represents grants aligned to arts and culture, totalling approximately 9% of the overall spend ($5.4m)



* Regional Service and Strategy and Connected Communities Local board grants programmes

▲ 236.2%

Auckland Council Libraries

  • Operates 55 libraries across the region
  • Book lending
  • Venues for arts and culture events including cultural festivals, hosting writers talks, music performances and art exhibitions
  • Work with local artists, authors, craftspeople, and musicians providing opportunities for them to showcase their work
  • Venues for classes and workshops
  • Manages cultural heritage collections including historic records, music, oral history and Māori and Pacific collections













▼ -0.7%

▼ -70.3%

Major Cultural Institutions and Auckland Regional Amenities Funding Board (ARAF)*

CCO Governance & External Partnerships manages the relationship between Council and its CCOs

Ngā Toi investment 2018/19 included funding to:

  • Auckland War Memorial Museum
  • Museum of Transport and Technology (MOTAT)
  • Auckland Regional Amenities Funding Board – distributed to:













▲ 18.5%


▲ 25%

▲ 18%

 *Administered through CCO Governance & External Partnerships 

  • Auckland Arts Festival Trust
  • Auckland Theatre Company
  • Auckland Philharmonia Trust
  • NZ Opera

Auckland Philharmonia Trust  – Less amount paid directly to consultants re APO (-$75,000).  The Funding Board paid $75,000 directly to consultants engaged to do work as signalled in the 2019-20 Funding Plan.













▲ 5.3%

▲ 5.6%

▲ 12.1%


Tātaki Auckland Unlimited* 

Purpose: Enriching cultural and economic life in Tāmaki Makaurau

Tātaki Auckland Unlimited is New Zealand’s largest producer of cultural, entertainment, sporting and wildlife experiences, the guardian of some of Auckland’s best loved venues, collections and organisations – and the country’s largest regional economic development agency. Our work touches all Aucklanders and visitors to our region, creating a legacy for future generations.




▲ 22.1%

ATEED and RFA merged on 1 December 2020, as a merged entity all future updates are to be recognised as Tātaki Auckland Unlimited.

Tātaki Auckland Unlimited (TAU) pursues the following strategic outcomes:

  • Enhancing Auckland as a culturally vibrant city for all
  • Expanding economic opportunities for all Aucklanders
  • Providing an effective social, economic, cultural and environmental return on Tātaki Auckland Unlimited’s investment
  • Enhancing Auckland’s local, national and global reputation/appeal

Increasing capital invested into Auckland for economic and cultural outcomes.

The operational funding is supported by a range of shared services delivered at a corporate level at TAU.

  • $109.47m of operational funding was provided by Auckland Council to Tātaki Auckland Unlimited in 2021/22; of which $13.69m is directly identifiable as investment into Ngā Toi:
    • Auckland Art Gallery Toi ō Tamaki ($10.58m)
    • NZ Maritime Museum ($3.11m)

Does not include commercial activity or support from funding other than Auckland Council.


*Note this figure and information related to the company (ATEED) only


*Note: This Figure relates to RFA charitable trust only.

Tātaki Auckland Unlimited – Auckland Art Gallery Toi ō Tamaki ($8.55m)

Tātaki Auckland Unlimited – NZ Maritime Museum ($2.04m)

Tātaki Auckland Unlimited – Auckland Art Gallery Toi ō Tamaki ($10.58m)

Tātaki Auckland Unlimited – NZ Maritime Museum ($3.11m)


▲ 52.5%

  • Auckland Live, direct programme investment (Does not include commercial activity or hire support for eligible community and professional organisations)

Included in the figure above

Tātaki Auckland Unlimited – Auckland Live, direct programme investment $3.62M

Tātaki Auckland Unlimited – Auckland Live , direct programme investment $3.66M

▲ 0.001%

Eke Panuku 

  • CCO responsible for urban regeneration in Auckland, through regeneration and management of council’s commercial properties and spaces
  • Arts and culture investment and activity is primarily delivered through Panuku Development’s Placemaking Team
  • Waterfront mahi toi also included
  • Ensures public art is incorporated into town centre regeneration
  • Curates regular arts and culture experiences for Aucklanders in public places (e.g., Silo Park)
  • Provides mentoring and capacity building of artists
  • Partners with local artists through Council Art Brokers and Council Public Art team


*figure represents Placemaking Team’s art and culture investment


*figure represents Placemaking investment across the region ($1.346m) as well as key mahi toi works within the Wynyard Quarter ($1.2m)


Placemaking investment – (total cost across all locations and mahi)

Figure includes mahi toi works in Wynyard Quarter – $69K

(display cabinet – works are being sourced individually by a range of supporters)

▲ 1.3%

Figure 2: The diagram below provides a visual summary of Council investments into Ngā Toi in the financial year 2021/22

Key Funder:
Creative New Zealand

Creative New Zealand (Arts Council of New Zealand Toi Aotearoa) is a Crown entity that acts as the national arts development agency. Creative New Zealand (CNZ) is funded by the Government via the Ministry for Culture and Heritage and the Lottery Grants Board.

CNZ’s purpose is “to encourage, promote and support the arts in New Zealand for the benefit of all New Zealanders” (CNZ, n.d.); which it does through a set of deliverables, namely developing the arts, advocating for the arts, leadership in the arts and investing in the arts. CNZ’s work also is guided by a number of key strategies and policies – including its Investment Strategy, Te Hā o Ngā Toi Māori Arts Strategy, Pacific Arts Strategy Advocacy Strategy and Diversity in the Arts Policy.

CNZ identifies six strategic outcome areas for its work, including its investment activity:

Stronger arts: 

  • High-quality New Zealand art is developed
  • New Zealand arts gain international success.

Greater public engagement with the arts: 

  • New Zealanders participate in the arts
  • New Zealanders experience high-quality arts.

Stronger arts sector: 

  • New Zealand’s arts sector is resilient
  • New Zealand arts are valued and supported.

CNZ further identifies that delivering to these outcomes helps create the following “value for New Zealanders” (i.e., long-term impact):

  • Engagement in the arts improves the lives of New Zealanders
  • Distinctive and dynamic New Zealand arts that reflect the diversity of who we are and grow our reputation as a creative nation
  • Engagement in the arts strengthens whānau, communities and society
  • The arts sector contributes to prosperous and resilient communities (CNZ, 2019).

CNZ administers a wide range of funds – each with a different focus and scale, and with different eligibility criteria, policies and processes. This includes CNZ’s major investment programmes – Toi Tōtara Haemata and Toi Uru Kahikatea. The two programmes provide multi-year funding (three to six years) to artists, arts practitioners and arts organisations to support continuous programmes of activity and ongoing infrastructure. The focus of these funding programmes is strongly aligned to CNZ’s Investment Strategy Te Ara Whakamua 2018-2023 (CNZ, 2018), which identifies three investment focus areas or features (see table below). Investment clients are further able to access funds and other support focused on capability development and international initiatives.

Diversity and Reach

Dynamic arts

Resilient arts sector

Maintain and develop:

  • Investment in a range of arts practices reflecting New Zealand’s growing diversity
  • Investment that ensures communities across New Zealand can participate in and experience the arts, and investment that engages with under-represented communities
  • Investment that engages with new audiences, in New Zealand and internationally
  • Investment in the delivery of art through digital channels in order to increase arts participation and audience size
  • Investment aligned with international opportunities that expand arts practices and demand for New Zealand arts

Maintain and develop:

  • Investment that supports innovation in New Zealand arts practice
  • Investment in the development of New Zealand arts, in New Zealand and internationally

Maintain and develop:

  • Investment that supports capability and capacity building in organisations and the arts sector for long-term benefit, including new ways of working and new models of value creation that drive resilience
  • Investment that demonstrates relevance to current and changing communities

Data provided by CNZ for this research enabled detailed analysis of funding awarded to initiatives delivered in the Auckland region4, referenced by CNZ funding programme, art form and outcome area.

  • In the financial year 2018/19, $12.9m funding was invested into initiatives in the Auckland region across 224 grants – which represents 27% of the total national investment ($47.9m).
  • In the financial year 2019/20, CNZ’s funding to initiatives in the Auckland region increased to $19.8m across 1,441 grants – representing 28% of CNZ’s national investment (national investment increased by 47% to $70.2m). This increase in funding in Auckland was due to the Emergency Relief funding of just under $4.5m to practitioners/organisations based in the Auckland region.
  • In the financial year 2020/21 CNZ’s funding to initiatives in the Auckland region increased to $22.8m – representing 28% of CNZ’s national investment (which increased by 14.5% to $80.4m). While Emergency Relief funding dropped from $4.5m from 2019/20 to $10k in 2020/21, investment client funding increased by 38% from $8.6m to $11.9m.
  • In the financial year 2021/22 CNZ’s funding to initiatives in the Auckland region decreased to $21m – representing 28% of CNZ’s national investment (which decreased by 8% to $74m). There was no Emergency relief funding this financial year and both Toi Tōtara Haemata and Toi Uru Kahikatea funding programmes had a decrease in funding (19.5% and 10.8% respectively).

It should be noted because of the way data was collected it is only an estimation of CNZ’s investment in each programme.

It should also be noted that, in addition to ‘Auckland Investment’, investment in activity that takes place nationwide (12%) and online (7%) sees benefits flow to Auckland by supporting arts and cultural experiences presented in the city; and our international programme (5%) adds additional investment to Auckland via artists based in the region. [1]

[1] Further detail is available on page 30 of Creative New Zealand’s Annual Report 2021/22.

A more detailed breakdown can be found in the tables below:

Table 4: Distribution of CNZ funding

CNZ Investment

Investment 2018/19

Investment  2019/20

Investment  2020/21

Investment  2021/22

Percentage change (20/21 to 21/22)

Total Investment

Auckland Investment

% of Total Investment













▼ -8.0%

▼ -7.9%

▲ 0.1%

Table 5: Detailed distribution of CNZ funding in Auckland region

Funding Programme






Percentage change (20/21 to 21/22)

Toi Tōtara Haemata

Toi Uru Kahikatea 

Key other investment client funds

Investment client programme provides 3-6 years funding for outcomes in the CNZ investment strategy (to achieve: diversity and reach, dynamic arts, and a resilient arts sector)

Core programme; Contract Extensions; Partnership Incentive Fund; Innovation Fund











▼ -19.5%

▼ -10.8%

Arts Continuity Grants

Support for short-term arts projects, or the stages of a project, that can be delivered within a changed and evolving environment as a result of COVID-19

Equivalent of arts grants but focused on COVID-19 relief – producing work under COVID circumstances


COVID-19 Emergency Relief Grants

A contribution toward loss of income for eligible artists and arts practitioners, who may be part of arts organisations (including groups and collectives), who were experiencing devastating loss of income and opportunity and an uncertain future, and who had received the Government’s COVID-19 Wage Subsidy



Creative Communities Scheme

Funding to city and district councils to support local arts projects.






Arts Grants

Short-term project funding for New Zealand artists, arts practitioners, and arts organisations (including groups and collectives) to enable more sustainable careers, encourage innovation and the development of arts practice, and provide opportunities for diverse communities to access the arts. This includes quick response grants.





▼ -2.8%

Toi Rangatahi Funds

Includes Leadership fund, Engagement fund and Participation fund. Supports arts projects for young people aged 15-25 in under-represented communities




Auckland Diversity Project

Supports projects that increase arts attendance and participation by Māori, Pacific and Asian communities in the Auckland Region. It also supports art projects for, by and with artists from those communities



Fundraising for the Arts – Staff Placements Fund

Selected arts organisations can apply for funding towards the salary costs of a fundraising staff placement. Support for organisations based in the Auckland region and Northland is through a partnership between Creative New Zealand and Foundation North



Other Programmes
(funding programmes with under $100k p.a. distribution)

McCahon Centenary; Suffrage 125 Fund; New Work to Asia Fund; Arts Pasifika Awards; Prime Minister’s Award for Literature; Te Waka Toi Awards; Pacific Arts Fono; Internships; Te Ha ; International Indigenous Artform Exchange; Active Engagement Programme; Asia Artform Exchange Research Fund; Transition Fund; Professional Development Grants; Capability Building; Organisational Development Goals; International Strategic Coaching; International Strategic Coaching; Digital Strategy Initiative; Diversity Action Coaching; Sponsorship Development Initiative; International Art Fairs Fund; Transition Funding; International Digital Fund
Please list any new programmes here that meet this criteria i.e., under $100k p.a.





▲ 8.0%

Capability Fund


Revenue Generation Fund


Pasifika Festivals Fund


Building Business Capability for Individual Practitioners

Funding for individual artists and arts practitioners to develop skills that increase career sustainability and future-proof business practice.



Investment in Auckland region






Figure 3: The diagram below provides a visual summary of CNZ investment in the financial year 2021/22 and breakdown of how funding was distributed in Auckland by funding programme. Some programmes have been clustered – particularly the investment client programmes and other smaller funds where the total distributed each year is under $100,000.  

Note: This figure does not include the number of grants made through the Creative Communities Scheme 

Key funder:
Manatū Taonga Ministry for Culture and Heritage

Manatū Taonga Ministry for Culture and Heritage is the government’s principal advisors on the cultural system which includes Ngā Toi. The Ministry provides advice on policy, legislation and sector development to the Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage. The Ministry also funds some of New Zealand's most iconic arts, media, heritage and sports Crown entities such as Creative New Zealand, Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga and NZ On Air.

Arts and Culture Recovery Programme

As part of the COVID-19 Recovery Budget, the Government announced the Arts and Culture COVID Recovery Programme in May 2020. This investment was to help the arts, culture and heritage sectors through the impacts of COVID-19.

The funding supported a suite of more than 25 initiatives which were delivered by Manatū Taonga, funded agencies and sector stakeholders. The initiatives were designed to deliver short and long-term relief from the effects of COVID-19. Additional investment was announced in response to the 2021 Delta and 2022 Omicron outbreaks.

Arts and Culture COVID Recovery Programme initiatives delivered by Manatū Taonga

Of the 25 initiatives, Manatū Taonga were responsible for the delivery of:

  • Te Tahua Āki Auahatanga, Innovation Fund – to support innovative projects that improve the sustainability and resilience of the sector, provide commercial opportunities, safeguard Mātauranga Māori and improve access and participation.
  • Te Tahua Whakahaumaru, Creative Arts Recovery and Employment (CARE) Fund[2]  – to support the cultural sector to adapt to the COVID-19 environment by funding projects that enhance access to, and participation in, the cultural sector and create employment and skill development opportunities. It included some contestable initiatives as well as projects in partnership with other agencies.
  • Te Tahua Whakakaha, Cultural Sector Capability Fund – available to cultural sector leadership organisations to deliver projects to support the cultural sector to adapt to the COVID-19 environment by funding projects that build skills and knowledge, and provide access to advice, services, tools and resources.

The funding within these three initiatives has been distributed to successful recipients, with grants ranging in duration from a few weeks to several years.

[2] This programme included Ngā Wāhi Auaha – Creative Spaces, Ngā Puninga Toi ā-Ahurea me ngā Kaupapa - Cultural Installations and Events and Ngā Kaiwhakaoho Ahurea – Cultural Activators Pilot

Manatū Taonga was also responsible for the following Omicron and Delta relief funding:

  • Pūtea Tautoko mō ngā Huihuinga Aro Toi, Arts and Culture Event Support Scheme – to help organisers of arts and cultural events have confidence to commit to and deliver events while Government restrictions were in place in response to COVID-19. It also offered reassurance for artists and crew that they could get paid if their events didn’t go ahead as planned.
  • Te Tahua Pūtea Whakaora mō ngā Ringatoi, Cultural Sector Emergency Relief Fund, Grant for Self Employed Individuals – one off grants to support cultural sector practitioners who lost income due to the COVID-19 Omicron response.
  • Te Tahua Pūtea Whakaora mō ngā Ringatoi — Ngā Rōpū, Cultural Sector Emergency Relief Fund — Organisations – a fund of last resort to support cultural organisations, including sole traders, at clear risk of no longer operating viably.

This funding was all distributed as one-off grants within the agreed timeframe of the relevant fund. These emergency relief funds were only available to individuals, organisations or events in areas that were 'red' (or similar) under the Covid Protection Framework. This approach meant that more funding went to Auckland relative to other parts of the country.

Funding paid during the 2021/22 financial year

As the term of some grants span financial years, and decision making for some funds occurred in the 2020/21 financial year, the information provided below reflects the payments made to recipients of the COVID recovery programme delivered by Manatū Taonga, during the 2021/22 financial year. In the 2021/22 financial year, payments totalled $59.3m, with $23.4m paid to organisations and individuals located in the Auckland region.

Manatū Taonga geographical data is based on the location of the applicant, and this does not always reflect the location of the activity or initiative that was supported. For example, some applicants may have spent money outside the region while delivering their initiative which may have been targeting multiple regions or had a nationwide outcome.

Table 6: Manatū Taonga 2021/22 COVID-19 Recovery Programme Payments

COVID Recovery Fund delivered by Manatū Taonga

Total Payments
(including Auckland) 2021/22

Auckland Region Payments

Pūtea Tautoko mō ngā Huihuinga Aro Toi

Arts and Culture Event Support Scheme



Te Tahua Pūtea Whakaora mō ngā Ringatoi
Cultural Sector Emergency Relief Fund, Grant for Self Employed Individuals



Te Tahua Pūtea Whakaora mō ngā Ringatoi — Ngā Rōpū
Cultural Sector Emergency Relief Fund — Organisations



Te Tahua Āki Auahatanga
Innovation Fund[4]



Te Tahua Whakahaumaru
Creative Arts Recovery and Employment (CARE) Fund



Te Tahua Whakakaha
Cultural Sector Capability Fund



Mātauranga Māori
Te Awe Kōtuku
Distributed by Manatū Taonga


Data not available

[3] This scheme paid event organisers to distribute to the artists, venues, suppliers and other organisations involved in the delivery of an event. The allocation in this table reflects the location of the event organisers not the location of the event/s and therefore may not fully reflect the distribution of the actual funds.

[4] The Innovation Fund was delivered via regional events. Successful applicants attending events in Tāmaki Makaurau were not notified of their application outcomes until the second half of 2022 and received no payments in the 2021/2022 period.

Figure 4: The diagram below provides a visual summary of Manatū Taonga Ministry for Culture & Heritage in the financial year 2021/22. Note: Scale is different from Figure 1 and 2.  

Other funders of Ngā Toi operating in the Auckland region

Foundation North holds in trust for the Auckland and Northland communities an endowment, or putea, of over a billion dollars. This comes from the sale of the community’s shares in what was previously the Auckland Savings Bank. That endowment allows Foundation North to make grants each year to not-for-profit groups in Auckland and Northland.

Since 2018, Foundation North’s grant-making has been oriented towards a set of Outcomes and Priorities that the Foundation wants to contribute to in order to address significant, evidence-based social, economic, and environmental inequalities being felt by many communities in its region. The strategy does not have a sector focus, rather with a limited grants budget each year, funding is targeted to a wide range of initiatives aligned to four focus areas that deliver positive outcomes to enhance the lives of the people in its region, with emphasis on supporting priority populations and communities, increasing understanding, and giving effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi and on climate change action.

Foundation North funds across four focus areas:

  • Hāpai te ōritetanga | Increased Equity
  • Whakauru mai | Social Inclusion
  • Whakahou taiao | Regenerative Environment
  • Hāpori awhina | Community Support

and prioritises: tangata whenua, Pacific peoples, children and young people, rainbow communities, people living with a disability, former refugees, new migrants, and the communities of South Auckland and Northland.

Foundation North acknowledges the importance of arts and culture and is in regular contact with core funders in the Auckland region. The Foundation plays an important supplementary role in the wider arts infrastructure by providing targeted funding to community cultural groups, artists, and arts organisations, supporting them to deliver community outreach, and accessibility initiatives for artists, community members, and diverse audiences.

The total Foundation North investment also includes funding for Marae within the Auckland region. The Foundation acknowledges Marae as centres of excellence for Māori identity, language, tikanga, mātauranga and cultural leadership.

Table 7: Foundation North total arts investment

Foundation North

Investment 2020/21

Investment 2021/22

Percentage change (20/21 to 21/22)

Total Investment





Click here for full download of 2023 Update: Mapping the Auckland Funding Ecosystem for Ngā Toi – Culture, Creativity and the Arts.

2022-2021 Mappings;

Click here to view 2022-update-mapping-the-auckland-funding-ecosystem-for-nga-toi-culture-creativity-and-the-arts/

Click here to view 2021-update-mapping-the-auckland-funding-ecosystem-for-nga-toi-culture-creativity-and-the-arts/